Monday, July 16, 2012

Natural Aids That Can Stop Snoring

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Many look for natural based aids to cure or reduce snoring
To Stop or cure snoring problems many people look for natural based aids to help them to eliminate snoring. To know how snoring happens, what causes it, is the first step to start the process. If you can understand why you snore you have a good chance in finding a cure that can counteract the reason why you snore. This article explains natural based aids that can help you to stop snoring.
What causes snoring?
Snoring is caused by internal parts or membranes in the mouth or nasal cavities that touch each other and vibrate during the breathing cycle when a person is sleeping. These vibrations occur when there are obstructions to clear breathing or irregular breathing. The obstructions can be caused by a person's physical make up or possibly colds or congestion particularly nasal congestion that causes a person to breathe through their mouth. The common parts that vibrate in the oral cavity are the soft palate-at the mouth top in the back, uvula-teardrop shaped tissue in the throats center, and the tongue can also vibrate particularly if it is large or not securely attached to the mandible bone in the jaw.
Common natural aids for snoring
Natural aids to eliminate snoring can be very simple for instance, using steam or a humidifier to improve breathing, this helps to eliminate mouth breathing (avoiding the snore causing parts in the mouth cavity. Essential oils are placed by the nostril and the aroma can help to clear up the nasal passage. Coconut, peppermint and eucalyptus oils have helped people to stop snoring. Using nutritional supplements can help to reduce congestion and inflammation in nasal and throat passages. Blue green algae and spirulina are nutritional supplements that can help with the congestion.
Natural snore aids you can make at home
Nasal sprays you can make at home help to clear nasal passages. How you make the spray is boil water add ¼ tablespoon of sea salt per cup of water cool and add to a sanitary spray bottle. For sinuous congestion another aid is to use what is called a neti pot. A neti pot is a small plastic or ceramic container with a spout that you can use to pour saline solution to irrigate the sinuses. Olive oil has been used to reduce vibrations in the throat that can cause snoring. By sipping olive oil before bed (2-3 sips) it can help to reduce sounds in the throat.
Exercise for the mouth, jaw and tongue to reduce snoring
Listed below are exercises for the mouth jaw and tongue that can help with snoring, by aligning the jaw and tongue promoting clearer breathing
  • For the tongue stretch out the tongue towards your chin then hold for ten seconds also do the opposite way to the lip and repeat.
  • Jaw push-push out your jaw hold for ten second's then repeat the exercise.

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